Every Garden is a Fantasy A Miniature of Nature

Landscapes integrated with buildings and other structures to create an overall environment that points towards the future - inside and out. A design language emphasizing the flow of natural systems blended with both traditional and modern ideologies.

Visionary | Fantastical | Promising | Innovative | Sustainable

site planning


Rainwater infiltration and recharge takes place at several points along the valleys, making the estate a fine example for Rainwater Conservation and Harvesting.

site planning


Common viewpoints and vistas have been highlighted and developed along the natural contours and valleys. Natural folds have been preserved as green protected patches.

flow - design


A design language using ribbons and flowing forms has been chosen and evolved to resonate with the prominent features of the Estate - The Valley, The Stream and The Spring.



A simple and efficient plan that reduces the footprint of the buildings thereby increasing the green cover around them.



The architectural detailing of the facade features a local granite-clad high plinth and walls interpreting the semi-colonial language of Yercaud buildings in the modern sense.

eco-friendly initiatives

More than 80% of the property has a green cover.

A large nursery where new varieties of plants are grown and experimented with, many of which are later planted at various places in the estate.

The office structure is fully self-sufficient in generating its own power. A windmill, solar panels and a bio-gas plant feed its power.

The office was constructed using locally sourced eco-friendly material. No cement was used.

Extensive rainwater harvesting and organic waste is converted to manure

Eco-friendly vehicles - club car, segway personal transporters, Trikke vehicles and battery-operated cycles.